Work with us

Escuela Kilkenny considers applications from people who meet the following requirements

  • Native speaker competence/C2 level
  • EU passport or permission to work in Spain
  • Previous teaching experience is essential ( minimum 1 year )
  • TEFL / CELTA qualification or similar
  • Cambridge exam experience
  • Spanish is not essential but an advantage
  • DBS or disclosure and/or “certificado de penales”

Attributes in teachers

  • You should be a friendly and approachable person who shows a positive attitude towards teaching and motivating young learners and teens alike.
  • Professional in your approach to lesson planning and classroom management, always aiming to ensure quality language teaching.
  • Apart from your EFL teaching certificate and some useful experience in the field, you should be open to developing your knowledge of teaching skills and methodologies and willing to move with the rapidly advancing world of technology.
  • Flexible and capable of adapting to teaching various ability levels and age groups within the teaching centre.
  • Reliability is of utmost importance to us.

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    «I’ve been working at Kilkenny since September and it is just great. There is a relaxed atmosphere in the school but we all take our jobs seriously and try to help each other whenever we can. It is nice to know that you have the support of other members of staff (not only other teachers, but also the director or the people at reception). Whenever I have a question about something, there is always someone to help!
    Also, the school is provided with lots of games and different resources to use in class, which makes it even more attractive for students. It is satisfying to see the students having fun! I’m really enjoying my time here and, to be honest, I have learnt a lot too!»

    Catrina Rodríguez Murray

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